238 | David Wolfe: Truth on Good & Evil, Healing Addictive Habits, Ancestral Diets, Role of Plant Medicines, the False Promises of “Science”, Parasite Consciousness, Fasting for Longevity, Power of Discipline, & Having the Best Day Ever.

238 | David Wolfe: Truth on Good & Evil, Healing Addictive Habits, Ancestral Diets, Role of Plant Medicines, the False Promises of “Science”, Parasite Consciousness, Fasting for Longevity, Power of Discipline, & Having the Best Day Ever.

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About this Episode

Explore the transformative dialogue between David Wolfe and Ronnie Landis as they delve into detoxification, spirituality, and the impact of environmental toxins on health. Discover insights into holistic living and the urgent need for detox practices in today’s toxic world.

David Wolfe and Ronnie Landis discuss the critical importance of detoxification amidst global environmental challenges. Wolfe advocates for charcoal as a primary tool in detox practices, foreseeing future health crises due to widespread toxicity. They emphasize aligning personal mission with actions that promote health and spiritual connection.


#Detoxification #HolisticHealth #EnvironmentalToxins #Spirituality #Dharma #Cleansing #Charcoal #HealthCrisis #Wellness #SpiritualWellBeing

"We're in a toxic world. I want to be clean on the inside, on the outside, everywhere."
-David Wolfe

Topics Covered

  • Detoxification
  • Holistic health
  • Environmental toxins
  • Spiritual well-being
  • Personal mission (Dharma)

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David Wolfe

Guest Bio

David “Avocado” Wolfe is the rock star and Indiana Jones of the superfoods and longevity universe. The world’s top CEOs, ambassadors, celebrities, athletes, artists, and the real superheroes of this planet—Moms—all look to David for expert advice in health, beauty, herbalism, nutrition, and chocolate! David is the celebrity spokesperson for America’s #1 selling kitchen appliance: the NUTRiBULLET™. He is the visionary founder and president of the non-profit The Fruit Tree Planting Foundation charity (www.ftpf.org) with a mission to plant 18 billion fruit, nut, and medicinal trees on planet Earth.

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Episode Transcript

Ronnie Landis: Welcome to the life mastery podcast. I’m your host, Ronnie Landis, and really excited to welcome you into yet again, another incredible conversation with a luminary, a legend and someone who is on the front lines of all things to do with personal growth, holistic health, consciousness, expansion, And the frontiers of what is happening in our world today and moving into the future.


So today’s episode is with a dear, dear friend of mine, someone who I consider to be like a big brother. I have known this individual since 2009, and this man has been a mentor to me, he’s been a forerunner in my own career as a holistic health practitioner, a nutritionist, an herbalist, a detoxification specialist, and really all the things that I, I’m into when it comes to personal transformation personal growth and holistic health And this guest has been on the show Five times now over the course of how long the show has been going since 2015 If you can believe it, we’ve been podcasting since 2015 2016 And this individual is very near and dear to my heart.


His name is David Avocado Wolf. Many of you know exactly who this man is. He is one of the legends and pioneering educators in the holistic health and especially the natural nutrition field. And again, we’ve done five deep dive podcasts together over the years. This episode is especially interesting and It may or may not be everybody’s cup of tea If you are a fan of david avocado wolf, then you are gonna love this episode for sure None of it is gonna surprise you Um, if you’re just getting into his work or you’re just coming on to this podcast You’re just learning about me.


You may or may not be pervy to some of the things that we talk about david is um He’s a pioneer and And explore in many different fringe niches of consciousness, not just holistic health and nutrition, but many different topics when it comes to spirituality, when it comes to conspiratorial ideas and theories, and I don’t call them theories.


Other people would say conspiracy theories, nothing that we talk about in this episode is theoretical. It’s all documented. It’s all factual. It’s also all experiential. Um, both him and I go deep into a lot of things that we’ve both experienced, we’ve observed, we’ve researched. And this is a very full spectrum episode, so, uh, we go right into it, by the way.


We go right for the jugular, right out the get go. And then the episode just becomes an incredible conversation between two friends and colleagues and people that have known each other for, you know, 12, 13 years and have had a close relationship and a, and a great camaraderie and respect for one another.


And I think that’s really felt in this episode. And we talk about so many things right out the gate. We get into this conversation about the truth on good and evil. We talk about healing, addictive habits, ancestral diets. We also go deep into the role of plant medicines on the planet right now. What the role and the spiritual purpose and the evolutionary impulse of plant medicines are the false promises of science or quote unquote scientism.


We also go into parasite consciousness and parasite cleansing, fasting for longevity. We get deep into the power of discipline. And ultimately the underpinning of this entire episode and David’s message is about How to have the best day ever every single day, which is a spiritual perspective on empowerment And I think that’s something that really shines through in this conversation.


It’s going to be North star for everything that we talk about some of the stuff we talk about may feel a little edgy It may feel a little confronting but ultimately it’s about transmuting the darkness and the shadow and the fear into what we talk about the Christ did light of consciousness and bringing that into consciousness so We can transmute the fear and the lower level emotions and the doubt and the the paranoia of the world and the fear programming.


We can transmute all of that. into hope, inspiration, into light, into really shining a light for a more hopeful future that is beneficial for all living creatures on the planet, whether they be plants, minerals, rocks, and animals, humans, all the like. So anyways, that’s a little bit of a rundown of this incredible conversation with a dear friend, a mentor, a role model, someone that I have so much respect for.


And by the way, this episode was recorded at David Wolf’s permaculture biodynamic farm called Noni land in Kauai, where we both have lived. And he also lives part time. And I got the pleasure to hang out with him on his incredible biodynamic farm. And then after we recorded this podcast, we spent the next seven or eight hours together doing chaos gardening, um, you know, just, just on the land.


Literally just having the best day ever all day long and it was a really really special episode And I think you’re gonna feel the vibe from both of us So anyways without further ado enjoy this conversation between myself and my dear brother david avocado wolf


David "Avocado" Wolfe. Welcome to the holistic life mastery podcast show 


David Wolfe: Ronnie lannis great to be reunited It was good to see you at the farmer’s market the other day. Yes. Let’s get into it. I’ve got some great stuff to share and, and I’m in the zone right now. I’ve been in Hawaii for about six weeks and uh, it’s just been, you know, raining down the, all the way to the world on the, on these aisles.


But at the same time, you know, with the darkness comes the light. 


Ronnie Landis: Literally, metaphorically and metaphysically on every plane, every level. Yeah. 


David Wolfe: Every level. Yeah, exactly. So, When that whole thing happened, I was like, I had just gotten here and I was like, Oh my God, this is the most insane tragedy ever in Hawaii history.


And the Maui, 


Ronnie Landis: the Maui incident you’re speaking about. Yeah. 


David Wolfe: Speaking about specifically. Yes. Let’s clarify that. Um, it’s so, you know, it’s so normalized here that, you know, everyone’s talking about it, but just for everyone out there in the world, that this, whatever happened there has had a very profound impact on all the islands.


And, uh, Everybody’s reeling from it. So we were, we’ve been really trying to figure out how to deal with it. And one of the best ways to deal with it is just to have the best day ever. Right. We’ve just got to keep, keep the light shining. I mean, what else are you going to do? There’s no other response. I mean, just help as much as you can.


I got friends over there helping every day and also getting blocked by the government repeatedly, you know, which is so crazy. Anyway, I don’t want to get too much into that. We just have to counter that darkness with light. 


Ronnie Landis: Okay. That’s actually a great, that’s a great place for us to start. The, the, the concept of the best day ever.


This has been like a philosophical underpinning to your entire message, your work. As long as I’ve known you since like 2010 or so, when I first got connected with you, like 13, almost 14 years, which is crazy. It’s a 


David Wolfe: lifetime. 


Ronnie Landis: It’s a lifetime. And multiple lifetimes built into that. Which is why it’s really so good to reconnect with you and kind of feel the magic of that because so much has happened.


There’s been a lot of death in reverse. And, um, And so anyways, this idea of the best day ever, like, what does that really mean? Because you’ve been saying that for so many years. I know that we’ve heard Spongebob say it. I don’t know if there’s a correlation or connection between the two of you or some sort of weird relative connection.


I have 


David Wolfe: the, I have the, um, CD. I have the CD. With Spongebob’s signature on it saying thanks for the best day ever. 


Ronnie Landis: Amazing. Okay, so, you know, it’s a great thing to say and it’s naturally uplifting. I say it to people, it’s kind of a natural thing that I say. Because there really is no other better saying than the best day ever.


But what does that really mean? 


David Wolfe: Okay, well, the number one thing it means, the number one thing I’ve learned by saying that for the last, It’s been in my lexicon for since I was about six fifteen sixteen years old somewhere in there That’s when I started noticing for example We’d go out and film crazy stuff on video when I was a kid on VHS tape and the name of that tape was the best Tape ever I have that in our original handwriting from when I was 16 years old 


Ronnie Landis: Mm hmm, 


David Wolfe: so I know it goes back that far and everything was the best ever But what it really means is faith.


That’s what I’ve learned over the years. Yeah. You have like, if it’s the best ever, I don’t, I can’t figure that out. What do I, what can I do? I’ve got, I’m too busy. I got things to do. God will figure it out. The way that the reality unfolds, we’ll figure it out. Source source, um, energy, we’ll figure it out.


If that’s, that’s what figures it out. It’s a built in faith. 


Ronnie Landis: It’s a built in faith. 


David Wolfe: Yeah. There is a higher power and they, they’re going to figure it out. 


Ronnie Landis: What is, what is your relationship, interpretation, somatic felt experience of God or source energy? 


David Wolfe: God to me is reality. Oh, interesting. So I’d say the closest I ever got to God, like, you know, from a metaphysical sense was, um, when I smoked a hundred milligrams of toad venom.


Uh huh. In 2015. Okay. And, um, I got all the way to the source. I got all the way there. That was epic. I never really needed ever that medicine ever again since then. I never really needed hardly anything since then, actually. You know, I don’t really need anything. That, that, that, what God was, was a, was a sweet, a circle.


Okay. An 


opening where all creation was pouring out. That’s what it was. That’s where I got to. 


Ronnie Landis: Did it, did it feel like a being? Or like the totality of creation? Yeah, it 


David Wolfe: felt like the totality of creation. Like this is, this is uh, We can’t understand these things, really. It’s just, you know, obviously, it’s just, we just try to point and We’re, we’re, I think, on a very low level of evolution in general, in the overall scheme of things, in the hierarchies of beings in the universe.


Maybe I’m wrong, maybe we’re on the high level, I don’t know. But this realm that we’re in is beset by a lot of demons. 


Ronnie Landis: Yes. 


David Wolfe: And therefore, I suspect that there’s a lot of higher realms than this. So, we’re not, we’re definitely not in the highest realm. And, um, therefore, you know, We just gotta shine a light in this realm, have the best day ever, and go berserk.


Ronnie Landis: So this makes me think of a few things. So, me and two mutual friends of ours, Amorea and Elijah Ray, the three of us got together and had like a trinity convergence on the beach. And it was one of the most profound and high level, high depth conversations I’ve had in a long time, as far as I can remember.


And there were a number of themes that came up in our kind of tracking of reality, tracking of our own experiential, felt sense of reality, and what’s been coming up for us, what we’ve been tracking in the, the distortions in the field within our own mind, just like, really just comparing notes. And this theme of Wetiko.


Continues to come up and that’s something that me and Elijah really bonded over, you know, over many years of this topic of Wetiko that was borne out or not borne out, but it was popularized by, um, Paul Levi and that, that great book dispelling the, um, the curse of evil. Wetiko 


David Wolfe: one and two. 


Ronnie Landis: Right, right. And I got really deep into that and it gave, it gave a name to this phenomenon of the spell essentially, right?


The, the mind virus. Nick Goode turned me on to Wetiko originally. Of course, that makes sense. That makes sense. It makes complete sense. He was 


David Wolfe: onto it way back then. 


Ronnie Landis: Yeah. Okay. He was onto it 


David Wolfe: back in 20, 2009. 


Ronnie Landis: Oh, wow. Wow. Yep. Yeah. Because he’s a spiritual warrior. 


David Wolfe: Yeah. 


Ronnie Landis: Of course. And so I was speaking to this thing of like, something I’ve been noticing is like, almost like this overlay or this filter, this like energy in my own hologram, if you will, if you want to use that language.


And it’s kind of like this, this, um, it kind of, uh, It inhibits my wakefulness of staying awake, if you will. It kind of puts this little fog. I think we can all relate to that. Sometimes we feel a fog. We feel doubt, fear, irrational fear, stories start manifesting in our thoughts where, where there really is no problem.


But then all of a sudden there’s this stress response, this trauma stress response that we feel. And I, I think that’s something that a lot of people are contending with. Okay. Interesting. I’m just like, I’m just interesting 


David Wolfe: phenomenon. I understand the phenomenon. 


Ronnie Landis: Yeah. And I’m curious, a do you, do you experience that and what are your thoughts around that and this Wko virus?


David Wolfe: Well, I see the thing I’m kind of a little bit, um, skewed into Steiner stuff. 


Ronnie Landis: Yes. 


David Wolfe: More than the wko stuff in the sense of like, either Wko stuff is describing to me, to my understanding three or four phenomenon that Steiner would call, would call like El Luciferic demons. are a manic demons as suras and the absolute unknown right that’s the wettico world those and then i would break it up into those four categories and i think that’s exactly what i do that’s the filter that i use in my mind when i think of what eco yeah i don’t take i think it’s a great book great understanding but i’m just a little bit too specific I think Steiner understood the phenomenon deeper.




Ronnie Landis: the accuracy, like the actual being able to name the specifics. Yeah, 


David Wolfe: yeah, because then you know what’s what, how to deal with it. For example, 


Ronnie Landis: right, 


David Wolfe: um, luciferic demons are escape artists. They’re constantly trying to escape their reality. They’re assisting the being to escape their reality. And, um, our harmonic beings are, this is the only reality, reality there is this, the material world, this is it, you know, they’re, they’re all doing that extreme.


Then the Azures are like, Demonic entities or beings that are like maybe low astral realm that still inhabit the earth those could be called extra Maybe like succubus or like like race. 


Ronnie Landis: Okay. Oh interesting. Yeah. Yeah, right a 


David Wolfe: thing like runaway weird android programs or something You know that they don’t they’re 


Ronnie Landis: uninsoled they they need to pirate on to some other light living being to source their energy 


David Wolfe: Yeah, they seem to be like in certain locales, you know, so They’re in certain places and locations where they kind of manifest repeatedly, and then you get away from that location and they don’t manifest outside of that zone.


I’m thinking of certain, like, spots in Arizona, where that kind of crap happens all the time, where there’s just weird Are those greys? What is reptilians? Like what the hell is weird et phenomenon? Those would be azuras or just the Complete unknown, so I always break it down into those things But anyway, i’m not sure if that answered your question or even got close to well.


No, no, it’s actually it’s 


Ronnie Landis: no it’s it’s a beautiful Extrapolation because I think like the wetiko Phenomenon or idea is pointing. It’s pointing the it’s pointing the lens, right? And it’s a general concept but like when you break it down and really go investigate it. It’s a very accurate concept into the felt experience of what it’s describing, like as a mind virus and as a parasitic kind of vampiric, um, energy that’s trying to source outside of itself for its own, you know, it’s its own source.


That’s what parasites are, right? And so like what I’m hearing from you, and I understand the, the, the, the Steiner cosmology because you actually turned me onto it, you know, funny enough, and, and I went really deep into that myself. And so I think, yeah, it, it, it answers any question that I have about it and just getting, getting kind of a deeper probing for all of us to understand what that phenomenon is, especially this, this, this luciferic and aromantic phenomenon.


And I just want to, I’ll tie it on this note. 


David Wolfe: Okay. So the reason why I like to look at the books and read them is because it’s outlying, it’s outlining more of the demonic archetypes that we’re dealing with. It’s giving me more information about those demonic archetypes. But in the overall giant class of them, you know, I kind of, it’s basically those four, right?


It’s the Zuras, the, um, Luciferic demons, the Armonic demons, and then the complete unknown, right? That’s kind of, that’s, that to me is really an interesting and very important insight by Rudolf Steiner. And, and the reason why that is, is because in all levels of our, of our reality. There is the choice to escape or there’s the choice to completely engage and at some level it’s a balancing act between those things, right?


You can’t get too serious or too into something without it taking you over. 


Ronnie Landis: I know that very well. That’s been a huge part of my journey these last couple of years. Especially with deep medicine ceremonies and really confronting the darkness and the over seriousness. And it’s very convincing. It’s very addictive and alluring.


David Wolfe: Well, to a lot of people it is. Yeah. That’s why, that’s why this phrase, the best today is the best day ever, immediately counteracts all those forces and immediately puts you into the holy flow of like, I don’t even have to think it’s the best day ever believe it. Any of it. I just say it’s the best day ever.


Best day ever. Best day ever. Best day ever. Best day ever. And I start looking for evidence that it is the best day ever. 


Ronnie Landis: And your brain will track that. 


David Wolfe: Yep. Yeah. And then you suddenly you’re like, whoa, look at this world. Check that out. Like this is the best ever. Look at this right here. See these formations?


Ronnie Landis: Yes. 


David Wolfe: So we’re going through a wood pile. I’m like, this is heavy duty work. Look at, look at the jewels that came out of that. Look at this stuff. 




know what I’m saying? That’s evidence of the best ever. It’s like, whoa, what was I not paying attention to? 


This wood is 


loaded with these, look at those jewels.


What is that? 


Ronnie Landis: Yeah. 


David Wolfe: Right. And then, so, you know, I kind of think alchemically and I’m like thinking, okay, maybe I can make a medicine out of that. Maybe that’s an excellent epoxy or, you know, some other material or whatever. And so that’s the best day ever mentality is that you’re constantly looking for what’s right.


You’re constantly looking for something That’s going to solve your problem You’re constantly looking for something that’s going to make the moment better 


Ronnie Landis: solution based. 


David Wolfe: Yeah, 


Ronnie Landis: right Because there’s always a solution to any perceived problem. The seed of its very solution is built into it Right. 


David Wolfe: Yeah, that’s a very powerful.


Ronnie Landis: That’s a napoleon hill quote. 


David Wolfe: I would say this It’s even this crazy, this is my personal opinion. This is my experience It’s always immediately around you. The exact solution you need is right in front of your face all the time. 




that is such an amazing realization. That one right there, because the craziest stuff the other night I needed to put together a little, like a thing to hang necklaces with.


Okay. So it was just like a little thing I needed. And I just got this vision in my mind of like, Oh, this, this, this, and that put it together. And it was like, Whoa, the thing I needed was right there in front of me. 


Ronnie Landis: Yeah, 


David Wolfe: I didn’t have to leave my desk. It was all the pieces were right there. 



was like, geez, I didn’t have to get up 


Ronnie Landis: It’s such an important reminder and recalibration of perspective That there’s something you know, this is this is loosely or directly tied to something I really do want to talk to you about which is addiction So I wrote a book on addiction in the summer of 2021 And I won’t go into my whole thing around that.


I want to hear I want to hear from you But this this theme and focus of addiction became very seminal, very paramount for me, especially going into the study of dopamine, the dopaminergic system, how that is like a filter for our reality at a deeper level, but that controls our motivational neural networks and how our, how essentially we’re motivated to, to stimulate the pleasure reward system of the brain.


It’s way deeper than that, but that’s kind of the basics. And this whole thing of addiction really awoke something deep inside of me, particularly going through my own process. But then realizing, looking around me and realizing, holy moly, everybody is in the throes of some form of addiction, psychological, emotional, spiritual, biochemical, whatever it may be.


And with these digital drugs that we have as phones. 


David Wolfe: Okay. So I, well, let’s, let’s just, I want to bring in a few distinctions about all of that stuff. One is that most of the escapism is what Steiner would call luciferic. This is what I wanted. Yeah. Luciferic impulses influences. Yeah. That’s another way to look at it.


Yeah. Um, so I’m not sure. It’s like, people just throw the word demon around. And people have a completely different meaning for that word. 


Ronnie Landis: Right. So it’s like these impulses. 


David Wolfe: It’s an impulse. 


Ronnie Landis: Ok. 


David Wolfe: On the other hand, there’s also the other thing of like how the human being is. Right? Which is, we’re creatures of habit.


Habits are 


Ronnie Landis: addictions. Right. That’s when an addiction is is a repetitive habit. Right? Right. 


David Wolfe: And what, to me, my definition of an addiction is is when you are I don’t feel that the, the, um, ability to stop. That’s what it is when I don’t feel the ability to stop that I’m addicted to something. 




could be addicted to things that are good for you.


Like fitness, right? I got to go to the gym day. Got to go to the yoga class. Got it. You know, and that’s really fun. 


Ronnie Landis: Yeah. 


David Wolfe: So those are, you know, like a luciferic impulse is pulling you away from your life. The fitness regime is putting you in your life. You’re getting involved. It’s kind of how I think of like hair and makeup and all that stuff, how it’s been turned into a toxic and, and, and a bath care and all that.


And all that been turned into a toxic thing, but the original and the whole concept of it is really incredibly good and all natural. So if we spend our time doing something all natural, like making soap from scratch or something, right. You know, that to me is if that we had, that is a habit or an addiction that was going on in this farm.


I’d be real happy about that 


because it’s 


furthering life. Right. It’s improving life. 


Ronnie Landis: And by, by definition, it wouldn’t carry a negative connotation, it wouldn’t be an addiction the way that we know. Right. it would be something, it would be transcendent. 


David Wolfe: Right. It’s transcendent. It’s improving life. It’s, it’s furthering life.


So that, yeah. Those are the things I think about when I think about addiction and what I’ve learned in my life. And the way I deal with addiction and addictive behavior myself is I just, if I’m doing something too much, it just, I change course and go do something else too much. Uh huh. I change, get into something completely random or different.


Ronnie Landis: Right. Right. 


David Wolfe: But there are things that have stayed with me over the years and have been really, really epic and addictions. Uh huh. And one of them has been playing the drum set. Okay. Yeah. That’s been really fun for me. Really. It’s been a very awesome development in my life. And it’s, it’s like just the, just the things that it’s constantly humbling you.


I’m constantly on Instagram looking at the best drummers in the world going, okay, how do I do that trick? How do we learn that? How do you do this? How do that? And that’s so cool. You know, to be, for me, at least at my age, I’m in my mid fifties, so I’m like, I can do, you know, things that twenty year old drummers are doing, and that’s really cool that I can be on that level, and be involved with them, and be friends with them, and do things online with them.


Um, but it’s data, it’s an addiction. Or a habit. 


Ronnie Landis: Well, it’s interesting, too, but it’s also life affirming. It’s uplifting, and it’s self sourcing. 


David Wolfe: Right. Yeah, exactly. So it’s good. See, that’s the thing about, you know, habits and addictions is when you, when you can’t sense the ability to stop. 


Ronnie Landis: Right. 


David Wolfe: And then I would have to add to that and it’s hurting your life.


Ronnie Landis: Exactly. Yes. 


David Wolfe: And then if it’s hurting your life or hurting the life of others, then switch, switch gears. 


Ronnie Landis: Well, you’ve, I mean, You know, you’ve been in this, this longer than almost anyone, as far as the, the health field. I mean, you’re, you’re one of the originators, the generators and pioneers of what we now know is like the modern health world.


Like you’re one of the pioneers. So much of this has been built on your back. I mean, you know that, but I’m just going to say that for anyone who doesn’t or may have forgotten. And yeah. And I mean, I wouldn’t exist as I am and I wouldn’t have written all the books that I have and I wouldn’t be doing this podcast.


Like literally if it weren’t for you, I, as I know myself, or anyone knows me in this field, would not exist. Or it would be something different, right? That impulse, that Christed impulse, which now I recognize. To improve life. Yeah, that original inspiration would have happened if I didn’t stumble on you on YouTube University in your poncho talking about grounding at a raw food spirit festival.


That’s how I first stumbled on you. That’s 


David Wolfe: insane. 


Ronnie Landis: Yeah. 


David Wolfe: Wow. That was like 2008. 


Ronnie Landis: Yes. 


David Wolfe: And 2009, those years. And, and by the way, the years I’ve seen a lot of years go by now, 30 years. I’ve been at it for 30 years. 30 years, yeah. So, I’ve seen a lot of stuff come and go and um, and there’s just, you know, certain, certain mountains that don’t move.


One of those mountains is, you need fiber and roughage to move through your body. You know, so when people go to like the all meat diet, there’s no fiber in meat, there’s no fiber in chicken, there’s no fiber in eggs, there’s no fiber in cheese, there’s no fiber. That’s not good. Yeah. You gotta have the fiber to sweep your intestines clean.


Exactly. So. That’s where the vegetable stuff comes in. And this is the thing you see people trying to do is they’re trying to make an excuse to get out of eating vegetables. At the same time, they’re also making excuses on, on, you know, how to not eat um, sugar. Right. And they make a demon out of that. You know, so you have to, you have to, there is, carbohydrates are natural to human beings, you have to have some carbohydrates in your diet to, if, you know, we’re talking about the big population as a whole.


Of course. That’s just the way it is. And you have to have protein and you have to have fat and oil. And That’s just the population as a whole, that’s the way humanity is, and that’s, that, coming to grips with what humanity is and understanding humanity’s diet because of all the years of experience really helps me to understand what my real ancient role was, which was when the tribe landed in a new place, we would set up the dietary system for that place.


Interesting. That’s definitely in my genetics, for sure. Interesting. Because I’ve been so many places around the world. 


Ronnie Landis: Right. 


David Wolfe: And I’ve seen so many different herbal systems and so many ways to carve out a lifestyle herbal food system out of each ecosystem, which does not necessarily need to be the same between two separate tribes that live in the same ecosystem.


Right? Because they have a different perspective, different way of using certain plants. Different 


Ronnie Landis: accessibility to different things. And 


David Wolfe: different, different sensibility 


Ronnie Landis: too. 


David Wolfe: And so, you know, for example, you know, the, the way that the Peruvians Are with coca, for example, you know, it’s just so beautiful.


It’s so the way that the style of life they’ve carved out with that plant. I wouldn’t take that plant that way, where you’re constantly chewing it. And, you know, it’s just, you know, a huge, big ball is a crap in your mouth. But that’s how that civilization did it. They’ve done it well. They’ve carved out a lifestyle where they live to over a hundred regularly.


They hike every day. They, they’re amazing. I mean, they’re my favorite people. Probably it was a race of people in the world. Wow.


Ronnie Landis: I wanna, you just, you just mentioned something. I’m just squeezing some things in while I have you. I want to talk about plant medicine. You just mentioned Peru. That naturally makes me think of ayahuasca and my own journey with that sacred medicine. And I know you have a long, long history, research experiential history with that medicine.


I don’t know what the ins and outs, but I’m really curious what comes up for you when I mentioned plant medicine and even ayahuasca as a specific 


David Wolfe: It’s, um, these things exist on the periphery of civilization in order to bring people back to the reset mode of the ancients, right? So, that’s, that allows us to let go of these deep held beliefs and parameters of society.


Those things are broken up by the psychedelic experience and therefore we can think things differently or live different lifestyles or experiences. Live a different place than we ever thought we could live or, um, interact with the spirit world in a way that we didn’t know was there or no certain doors of perception that we wouldn’t have known otherwise.


And that’s, and that’s what I love about it. But at the same time, because we’re dealing with the body of politic of people at large, it has to be done in certain ways. You know, that’s just in the right way is in a ceremony with the original people who developed the ceremonies to begin with, and when it’s done that way, man, it’s like, I was in the North Georgia mountains the last time I drank ayahuasca and I was in the North Georgia mountains and I met this couple and it turned out we knew each other.


We knew friends. We, we, we had surrounded each other in certain ways and, and the guy after a while is like, you want to drink Dimey tonight? And I was like, yeah, let’s do it. Yeah. Just by the book. We’ll sit there. We’ll get the prayers out. We’ll just go for it. While you’re deep in the medicine too. Oh yeah.


While you’re in the medicine. Absolutely. Of course. No, we, we, and we drank Dimey that night. Um, in a cabin up there in the North Georgia mountains with some friends too. There were some other people who joined us. And we just sat there with the book, and we did the prayers, and we did the hymns, and we sang, and we did the whole thing just Dimey style.


And I used to resist that stuff because, you know, I was just too young and too egoic of like, Yeah, I’m gonna go do whatever I want. I’m not gonna sit here. Or whatever. I’d stay in the ayahuasca things, but I’d, you know, I’d be kind of doing my own trip. Right. Um, 


Ronnie Landis: which is usually what you’re doing in an ayahuasca circle.


In the Moloca. Like, you’re in your own experie experience. You’re in your thing. 


David Wolfe: Exactly. But Right. With Dimmy, it’s, and with other, many other traditions like Native American church, you’re singing, you’re Mm-Hmm. You’re involved, you’re, you’re engaged, you’re, you know, sitting upright. Mm-Hmm. Right.


Participating. Right. What? So, I, I love all those things for that reason. And I, and I see their role right now too. Which their role the reason why there’s such an ascendancy of psychoactive plants and psychoactive literature and lore right now is because humanity is waking up This whole thing that like oh, they’re not gonna wake them up in time or whatever Just the you know, the whole that whole story of like 


Ronnie Landis: right 


David Wolfe: all of that is just it’s like doom 


Ronnie Landis: and gloom 


David Wolfe: Addiction is just awful.


Yeah humanity is waking up eventually. I don’t know when it’s going to be. Maybe it’s next week Maybe it’s 10 years from now. Maybe it’s a hundred years from now Maybe it’s a thousand years from now, but the general trend is humanity is waking up Yes And that’s good. 


Ronnie Landis: Yes. 


David Wolfe: That’s all we can ask for. That’s the best ever, actually, really.


I mean, what else would Imagine if it was the other way around. You know, some people perceive it the other way around. 


Ronnie Landis: But Oh, I know a lot of people that are very staunch Christians, like, they’re really deep in it, and they absolutely, fundamentally believe that it is end times. Yep. Which I, I see that.


Like, I, I can’t deny the evidence of that. Right. Absolutely. But I, but I also, this other perspective comes in of, like, Okay, well, how do I hold both? Because I still have genuine inspirations to be in this world and to create and live a fulfilling life. And then there’s also this existential pressure that I do feel, like an alarm clock saying, wake up or else.


But then it’s like I’m holding both and realizing, well, an intelligent creator wouldn’t allow all these miracles and all this awakening to happen if it’s all just to like, close the curtains. If it’s all just going to doom and gloom, why are we having such a profound set of awakenings, as you put it, happening?


David Wolfe: The doom and gloom is an armonic demon. 


Ronnie Landis: Yes. 


David Wolfe: And the reason why we’ve been so inculcated, brainwashed with the armonic positions, scientism, science is gonna figure everything out, analysis, multi disciplined analysis, and all that stuff, but the reason why we got that is because these armonic demons are in control right now.


They are coming to a fruition. It’s coming to a head. It’s going to bubble over and people are going to realize, Oh, the science was fake. It was actually a fake religion that they put on top of the scientific method and tried to hijack it, right? Oh, okay. They realized, Oh, we don’t trust the science because science is not something you trust.


It’s a process. It’s like, it’s a process. It’s a process. It’s not like we’re going to trust the results of this study. That’s 


Ronnie Landis: hilarious. Trust the science. Trance is not a, like a, a being or a sentient being. It’s a process of deduction. 


David Wolfe: Yeah. And it’s like, and it continuously improves and it continuously changes, right?


Because new things are found out all of a sudden you go, well, what about this? Or we forgot about this assumption that we had. And anyway, all of that stuff is part of the, as part of the doom and gloom of our current civilization, because imagine being brainwashed with that stuff as a kid. Then you think, Oh wait, this is scientific reality.


We’re going to the moon. We’re going to Mars. And you’re in that mindset. Those, The beings, the entities, the impulses that control that mindset are completely depressed. They’re depressed. There’s no hope, actually. They’re devoid of hope. 


Ronnie Landis: Hence bring in the addictions, the external coping mechanisms to numb, sedate, and tranquilize the internal trauma and disconnect we feel inside of ourself, i.


  1. the escapism, filling in the god shaped hole within ourself. So if you feel depressed and compressed and oppressed, Then, you’re not expressed, so you need something outside of you to medicate that disconnect. 


David Wolfe: Sure, and that thing could, that could be a good thing, actually, because that, what it’s doing is it’s pulling you back the other direction.


Sure, sure. The harmonic position is so far in one direction that the escapism, let’s say somebody goes, I’m gonna go drink ayahuasca in the jungle for, you know, a month, and I’m gonna go, you know, Drink watchuma or whatever in Peru or whatever their trip is and then they go there and do that Maybe that’s what they needed to get break up to break it.


Yeah Harmonic programming science trust the science. This is against science. You’re a pseudoscientist


It’s so ridiculous


And then the way you know, that’s it the way people believe in it They’re religious fanatics, right? That’s what it is, right? Like what? You don’t trust the science? This says that he said this and what about this? It’s just like oh my god, this is a religious fanatic. 


Ronnie Landis: Yeah, 


David Wolfe: right except that now it’s scientism 


Ronnie Landis: It’s just atheism, but with a scientific overlay with the witiko the witiko mechanism just on on steroids.


David Wolfe: Yeah But it’s it’s completely under the radar because of science and evidence, you know, we’re in a scientific reality You Everything works by science down here. Everything works by engineering, not science. It’s engineering is different than science. The way you construct your bridges engineering, right?


It’s not science. Trust the science. What the hell is that? That doesn’t make sense. That is your engineering, right? Not science, right? We’re going to trust the side. We’re going to trust some mystery cocktail. They’re going to inject into a six month old. Um, we’re going to trust that science. But meanwhile.


We trust it because they’ve engineered a car. Those are completely different things. Right? The engineering of a vehicle, the steps of engineering, the history of those engineering steps is something. It’s really something. That’s something interesting. But it also appears cyclical too, by the way. You know, so this thing of the linear progression of history is all obviously wrong.


Complete nonsense. 


Ronnie Landis: Charles Darwin, his whole trip. 


David Wolfe: Yeah. Yeah. The whole, that whole thing, like we were savages and now we’re, you know, now we’re scientific, 


Ronnie Landis: right? Yeah. By the way, Charles Darwin was a, was a freemason. Just throwing that out there. Stumbled on that randomly. 


David Wolfe: Because that, that was what was told.


They, they needed something like this, the harmonic hyper dimensional demon, or just the, you know, the beams just bringing that demon’s will to light, they needed a nihilistic religion. 


Ronnie Landis: Nihilistic. Right? 


David Wolfe: Because the, the main thing about the Aramonic Deception is that it’s just that the bottoms of the mouth are downturned.


Super unhappy. The most unhappy ever. 


Ronnie Landis: Yeah. And 


David Wolfe: that’s why people who follow the science and trust the science and science, science, science, they tend to be unhappy. It’s just, it’s general rule. It was like, Oh, let’s go, let’s go party somewhere. Right. 


Ronnie Landis: Yeah. Kind of an anemic vampire looking creatures. 


David Wolfe: Yeah. As a general rule, not all.


I mean, there’s some really great scientists and really interesting people and things like that. Sure. In the sciences. Sure. Sure. Of course. You know, it’s as a general rule, they’re up there depressed. Right. Right. 


Ronnie Landis: Yeah. It’s a pretty depressing reality. It’s a 


David Wolfe: depressing philosophy. Totally. 


Ronnie Landis: Yeah. And then I was just thinking when you said engineering, how about the, the greatest engineering feat of ever, which is this human biotechnology avatar that we’re in that we don’t understand anatomy and physiology and bio biology is a very some sort of approximation to some kind of understanding of how this thing actually functions and operates and that to me is the great mystery and that is like that’s like the entry point into the the revelation of some sort that there is an intelligent design and intelligent creator.


Or creation or something like it’s it’s unbelievable to me how People will use science or scientism or or promote atheism And and really promote it hard and just with this with this blind assumption that like god source Whatever you want to call it is just a myth or it’s a fairy tale or it’s some some archaic religious You know thing that we don’t need anymore because we have vaccines and antibiotics 


David Wolfe: Hahahahahahaha That’s a scientism clergy right there bro that’s who they are.


That’s what they do. That’s what they’re into. Yeah. It’s a, uh, it’s an interesting phenomenon that’s going on but I, I know this. I know that reincarnation is real. And the next time I reincarnate, I’m going to rein, reincarnate on an old growth plane somewhere where the trees aren’t the, the subject victims of the bad 


Ronnie Landis: trees.


Mmmmmmm. Mmmmm. 


David Wolfe: That’s really what it comes down to too by the way. If you really look at what their agenda is, one of their agendas is they want to get all the trees down. They want to chop every tree down on Earth. Actually, I’m kind of into the concept of what they’re driving with the cult of the black cube.


Which they’re trying to turn everything on Earth into a black cube. Can you explain that? So, look at our houses. All cubes. Um, what did they do with the city? They wiped out the natural ecosystem in the forest. They turned it into a bunch of cubes. A lot of them black. Um, look at a computer. Black cubes. Um, right?


Microchip. Look at the black cube. It’s that black rectangular cube. Black Saturnian cube. Yeah, it’s the black Saturnian cube, exactly. Right. So the cult of the black cube is trying to turn everything into a black cube. I don’t know how I got onto that. It was probably, um, Jordan Maxwell, most likely. 


Ronnie Landis: Yeah.


David Wolfe: But, I have seen the evidence of it. So it tells me that, this is what I, how I interpret it. There are aromantic demons who are in the hierarchy of evil, you know, parasites. Right. They are high up there, and part of their, like, sub agenda is turn everything into a black cube. 


Ronnie Landis: Mm, mm, mm. And, and the, the black cube, is this like, some sort of portal?


David Wolfe: You mean, oh, it’s, oh, okay, why would they turn into a black cube? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because they, they emanate from a lower astral, um, realm. It’s like the eighth sphere concept? It’s an eighth sphere concept, sure. Okay. That’s one way to interpret it. 


Ronnie Landis: Yeah. 


David Wolfe: And, uh, it’s a It’s to me, it’s just, it’s fascinating because we’re able to see the body politic of parasites and then we can go, okay, Oh, that’s like a tape worm.


Oh, this is like a hook worm. This is like whip worms. Oh, those are like liver flukes and then correlate them to actual human parasites. 


Ronnie Landis: So if you read the book, Parasite Wrecks, you go down to the big Island, talk to Robert Kassar for a couple hours, and then you look at the politics, which is politics.


Then are you saying that you get some sort of like overlay or some sort of map of how to identify these things in the maybe the political system or 


David Wolfe: Yeah, 


Ronnie Landis: of course like by behaviors and yeah by 


David Wolfe: behaviors. 


Ronnie Landis: Yeah 


David Wolfe: So what’s happening is people are like, how could these guys be winning so much? You know, it’s like why why is evil winning now or within or has won?


Evil’s made lots of inroads on good and we know that now we see we see it now with a You know the perspective of like what were those world wars really all about, you know, that kind 




stuff, right? so looking at it that way where You know the we see the bigger picture of what the parasites are up to we can kind of interpret like okay This is like a tape worm This is like a rope worm.


These are the ones like the rope worm to me that this is probably what we’re going to find out You know when when this gets confirmed, but my guess is that there’s an endemic parasite to the human being which is the rope worm And that means it’s kind of like a, um,


the human being has to get to that level of cleansing to finally get all of those demons off, you know, like advance the world for real. That has to do with a rope worm and there’s going to be beings on this earth who are going to figure this out. There’s going to be beings who do it and get those things out of their system and therefore gain true sovereignty 


and then understand what 


freedom is really about and then develop the, you know, systems from there.


Ronnie Landis: Wow. Wow. Well, I guess that naturally brings us into parasite cleansing, doesn’t it? Because then we talk about solutions, right? We get the problem. It’s pretty, pretty macro in scale and scope. It almost seems like there’s nothing we can do. So then that brings into like, okay, what’s the, what’s the micro, meaning the responsibility within myself, my, my life, my family, my community.


And it’s got to be more than just speaking. It’s got to be something that we’re doing. It’s got to be something about cleansing or liberating yourself. 


David Wolfe: It has to be converted to a physical thing. That was water just came out of my ear. Woo. Oh, that was an itch. You know when an itch comes up and water comes out of your inner ear.


Anyway, you’re right. Exactly. We convert it to a thing, a physical thing that people can do. And that’s a really good first step. 


Ronnie Landis: Okay. 


David Wolfe: In the development of where this is all heading, that’s a really good first step. Mm hmm. Okay. So bringing it to physical things that we can do, which is a really important first step for the survival of society and civilization, is to realize that actually we turn inward.




deal with all of that stuff. All of that stuff out there is just stuff we didn’t deal with inside. 


Ronnie Landis: Okay. Thank you. That’s, that’s where I want to, that’s how I want to finish this conversation. Yeah. So, I mean, what do you, what do you either recommend to other people? What’s your, what’s your process been with that?


David Wolfe: I’ve gotten religious about fasting at least a week, four times a year, sometimes five times a year. Okay. This next one I’m going to do, I’m going to do, I’m going to do like two weeks, I think, on the next water fast and just do my normal life. I’m getting better at it because it’s a skill you develop, right?


You know, I’ve been doing it consistently. Now I’m in my sixth year of consistently doing that 




year, every year. Wow. And that really has changed me. It has changed me because I know that once I get deep into the water fast, all my powers come back. I’m like, I’m young again. I’m completely young again.


It’s amazing. Actually, Absolutely. And then, you know, you start eating food, you start coming back and you’re like, what the hell is going on? And then gradually you get back into fasting and all, all the, all the disruption goes away. Right. All the aging goes away. Basically. Yeah. And so that’s made me, it’s kept me.


Those negative 


thought forms go away. Right. Oh, 


you, you can’t, you, when you’re that far into a water fast, you’re in the holy flow. Once you’re a week in, you’re in the holy flow. So you’re just going with the holy flow of what’s happening, which to me is very psychedelic actually. And I would say that psychedelics have really helped me in that way.


They’ve helped me prepare for the fasting experience, which is every day is an adventure. Let’s go on an adventure and see what happens, right? Because you don’t know, you’re in the fasting flow. You don’t know what’s going to happen, anything can happen. So the development of that process for me, you know, in terms of like really getting into the water fasting, has been very difficult and very, very good for me.


It’s a saving grace. 


Ronnie Landis: Yeah. 


David Wolfe: Yeah. 


Ronnie Landis: Yeah. So fasting, which is, which is an abstinence process, but it’s productive. It’s not like, Oh, I’m just abstaining from this thing because it’s not good for me. It’s I’m actually pointing the momentum forward towards something. Towards something. 


David Wolfe: Right. Yeah. You’re also, you’re going.


You’re tuning in on other energies and other, like, music is an insane source of energy. 


Ronnie Landis: Mmm. 


David Wolfe: Um, sleep is an incredible source of energy, right? You can, I can be on a water fast, sleep for 20 minutes, get up and be totally recharged, completely recharged for hours. Wow. You know, but not normally, because I’m like digesting and, you know, just your overall energy just can’t be the same as when you’re fasting.


Ronnie Landis: So true. 


David Wolfe: And, and then all of a sudden you’re burning through. like through your fat. So you’re burning through clean fuel. 


Ronnie Landis: Um, I’ve been saying this 


David Wolfe: one, you get a kick out of this one. This is a fasting observation, numerous fastings, a type of observation, right? Which is like, you know, 25 long fasts in the last six years.


Kind of what, what I love, what I learned from that is that your fat is the best food for you by far. 


Ronnie Landis: Right. 


David Wolfe: Right. If you clean your fat off and you actually have healthy fat on you that’s not filled with soot, just to be clear, right, real healthy fat looks pink and bright and glows actually, but unhealthy fat looks like soot.


It’s dirty. The pollution. The pollution. 


Ronnie Landis: Yeah. 


David Wolfe: It’s metabolic pollution. It’s environmental pollution. 


Ronnie Landis: Mm hmm. 


David Wolfe: But with the fasting and cleansing, fasting and cleansing, fasting and cleansing, and you know, getting the waste out, eventually you build up healthy fat. It’s made of healthy tissue. And that’s a really interesting observation.


I’ve been like, wow, what an interesting observation that you can build up your reserves and then use them when you fast and clean it all off and then start over again. A lot of people are carrying that, those layers and layers of fat and toxins and never burn them completely off. 


Ronnie Landis: Yeah. Yeah. Cleansing, detoxification, that being, that being the focus for like, I mean, um, You know, kind of what we’re bringing up in my mind is we’re talking about the, the toxicity and the pollution that infects our mind, metaphysically physically, the environmental pollution, then the psychic pollution, the debris, the, the quote unquote demons, these negative urges, um, addictions.


The only way to really deal with the quote unquote metaphysical is to go deeply into the physical. And I think, and this has really come up deep for me as I’ve become more of a somatic therapist and integrated that into my work and the, the nervous system in particular. And I’ve seen so many people, myself included at times, but I’m very physically centric.


So I’ve, that’s always been my saving and grace. And my, my center of gravity is in my body where a lot of people, they don’t want to be in their body. They can’t handle being in their body for different reasons. They’re not comfortable in it. Um, but I found like that is, that is part of that luciferic impulse, right?


To escape reality, i. e. my physical body. 


David Wolfe: So luciferic impulse, and then there are types of luciferic demons that take advantage of that, too. Yeah. Just to kind of put some clarity on it, like, they take advantage of people wanting to escape, and therefore they will, um, exploit them. So for example, like, escaping responsibility.


That’s it, yeah. Yeah. Right. Making that okay. Right. So you can see you’re like, Oh, this whole system we’re in is trying to make people escape responsibility. Moral 


Ronnie Landis: relativism. 


David Wolfe: Moral. That’s another one. Yeah. Right. Moral relativism. This, well, it could be good. It could be bad. You know, we don’t know. We need more information, but you know, what they thought was bad back then is now good.


Ronnie Landis: Right. Right. That’s moral. You see that a lot in the spiritual community. You do. Yeah. This, this inability to plant your flag on anything and make a decision and have an opinion and a perspective and a set of values. 


David Wolfe: Yes. Yeah. And that’s, that’s a, the chivalric code. Yeah. It’s a very good core set of values, right?


That’s a really core set that has affected me my whole life and I got into it from the Arthurian mythos, right? And when we were kids, we got into all the nights. We had a whole list of every night. You know, what is every night’s name, you know, written out every night’s name, the whole chivalric code. What an interesting concept.


What a great thing to educate kids about. 


Ronnie Landis: Yeah. Yeah. And that’s the, that’s a good mirror to like the Bushido code of the samurai culture. Right. Right. Yes. Like they, every, every, every exalted warrior clan, race, tradition, culture, they all have a code of conduct. There’s a, there’s a moral. It’s not just random, or they’re just like, Oh, they just go out there and fight battles, but there’s no rhyme or reason or structure or order.


There’s always a code of conduct. There’s a reason for why They train and, and refine themselves and go out to battle when absolutely necessary. 


David Wolfe: The moral relativism is going after that, right? It’s breaking down these ancient codes of being or testing them anyway, for sure. Stress testing them. Yeah, stress testing them to see, hey, are they going to survive this era?


Right, and there will be things that survive this era. For example, you could see, you could probably see jujitsu, for example, and capoeira maybe combining into a type of martial art. martial art that has some of the some of the Feelings that that we got from some of the more hard and soft styles. Totally.


Totally. You see what I’m saying? Yeah, yeah, that makes sense and and it becomes a code of conduct, right? You’re a you’re now you have these skills You have a code of conduct now because the way you can deal with people Right in the world is different and so you have to conduct yourself. So that’s the 


Ronnie Landis: responsibility piece.


David Wolfe: Yes, 


Ronnie Landis: right 


David Wolfe: so so essentially What is good then is the thing that we kind of suspected all our lives being you to be specific, which is a martial arts training in with like in a place like this, right? Where you get to learn about, um, honesty, integrity, specificity, and you know, you, you get to also learn discipline.


Ronnie Landis: Yeah. 


David Wolfe: Where, okay, these two hours we’re doing this and these four hours we’re doing that. In a place like this, this is where good characters build up. And that’s, this is why I think you’re in my case, and we’ve always been attracted to the Kung Fu training, the Shaolin monastery, that kind of thing, because it speaks to that.


It speaks to the night within, but in a more, you know, current context. 


Ronnie Landis: Yeah. And it’s also an archetypal like impulse that I appreciate you, you know, that you and I recognize and share. And it’s, it’s always, it’s always like, I’ve always noticed that about, that’s one of the affinities I’ve had with you, aside from like, just.


Their overall work like just your personality or character how it kind of seeps through in your messaging And in the deeper writings like in in some of your books the sun food diet success system Which I think is the my favorite book i’ve ever read just as a book. It’s like one of my favorite books But that philosophy is woven into it.


Uh huh. 


David Wolfe: Uh huh. Yeah, 


Ronnie Landis: it’s not just it’s like it’s not just a health book And you’re not just a health guy. There’s this intersection between spiritual development. I don’t call it personal development. It’s spiritual development and holistic health 


David Wolfe: and holistic health. And also the thing that western civilization brings to it all, which is the will to power, right?


Generally, eastern civilization is more go with the flow, long established civilizations, long established feudal societies. You know, you just as a being that’s incarnated into that reality. You’re, you’re not, you’re, your will to power is more about maneuvering with the whole flow instead of no, let’s change it completely, you know, no, we’re going to do this.


Now we’re going to change the whole society. That kind of will to power is very prevalent in Western culture. And so I’m part of that in the sense of like, that’s, that’s intrinsic to my personality. 


Ronnie Landis: Yeah. 


David Wolfe: You know what I mean? That’s like, I’d be, I’d be escaping my personality if I wasn’t involved in that kind of thinking and, and also being right.


The way that, for example, on this farm, we, you know, grow vanilla and I want the world to change the way they grow vanilla from the way they’re doing it, which is generally, you know, stacking up coconuts and putting the vanilla on it and vanillary to, let’s go back to putting on the cacao trees, you know, that it’s like a will to power what the, I want the world to change their way of doing something.


Ronnie Landis: Yeah. 


David Wolfe: The way we move around water. I’ve always had a huge, that’s always been a major part of my life. I remember that, yeah. Yeah. And then, you know, seeing certain themes too, you know, in, in certain natural spots and becoming aware of that is really, I think a fun thing too, that in the will to power you, you know, the best use of your insight and your tech, your technol technological innovation of nature is to take the themes that are normal, normal in your environment, where, so you’re not just coming in with some outside idea and trying to put pose it here.


Let’s say for example, in Hawaii. you’re paying attention to the themes that are going on around you and you’re working with those 


Ronnie Landis: right 


David Wolfe: right right that’s a really cool thing too i that was going through that last night see down right here you can see where that that piece eventually broke off and on the front both of them we couldn’t have it was interfering with the view so we just like left them open as drains for this gutter here on the whole 


Ronnie Landis: front 


David Wolfe: side and it spills out in these two spots over here but this spot right here when it drops down it’s cleaning our turmeric right now i left it under there but it’s It’s like, it’s a crazy thing.


It’s like, when you get to the middle of this island, Makaweha, you know, those kind of places, and you’re underneath those waterfalls, that’s a thing that this is. 


Ronnie Landis: I don’t have to go to those 


David Wolfe: places because when it was raining, like last night, I took my shower, and I started my shower right there under that new roof.


Shhhh. And, and that came about from noticing the themes, you know what I’m saying? And that like, we could, we could replicate that right here. We could make that happen right here. I would never have normally come up with something like that, turning out into a shower. 


Ronnie Landis: Yeah, yeah. 


David Wolfe: But it’s paying attention, what’s going on in your environment.


Ronnie Landis: Not imposing your will to power on the environment. 


David Wolfe: Right. You’re, you’re, you’re taking what’s the themes that are occurring in there and you’re bringing it out with your will to power, right? You’re creating something that’s a, you’re drawing it out of the masterpiece that’s in front of you. 


Ronnie Landis: It’s an organic emergent phenomenon.


David Wolfe: Yeah, 


Ronnie Landis: exactly. Which is the best ever. It’s the best ever. 


David Wolfe: That’s how the Polynesians were that their technology was that way. That’s how many of the great civilizations in history at their peak moments, they were, they were in that completely. Right, they were taking the things that they were that were around them and they were bringing them to fruition Amazing things.


I mean, you know the Polynesian ships What a technology my god and for it to be there would be the priest king and the navigator at the front of the ship and Together they would guide the ship. So the priest came would be like mmm Bad So this is not a good omen. We got to go this way. And the navigator would have to go, am I going to go with it or am I going to go against it?


And those two had to work together to navigate across the ocean. And what I love about that is that the entire concept of the Polynesians populating the Pacific Isles intrinsically means you have to, when you really look at it, you go, They had to have had psychics on board. There’s no other way around it.


And that’s what the, that’s what the Hawaiian, 


Ronnie Landis: um, history tells us. The Hawaiian mystics. Yeah. They, you had 


David Wolfe: a, you had a Kahuna on the front. It was your priest King and you had your navigator. It was your science guy basically knew the engineering. Right. And then the two of them guided the boats and that’s how it was done.


Ronnie Landis: You had both sides of the pole, 


David Wolfe: both sides. 


Ronnie Landis: Yeah. 


David Wolfe: And to me that, that is such an amazing realization. But then you tell, tell that to a normal person, they, they really, it’s only a, a thought. 


Ronnie Landis: Yeah. 


David Wolfe: They’ve never really internalized, like, do you realize how big that ocean is out there ? Do you really know, like to be on a double hold canoe?


How, what a journey it is from Tahiti really to Hawaii. What that really is. To be three wait weeks, potentially maybe 21 days on the ocean and a double and there’s nothing, there’s nothing, there’s 


Ronnie Landis: nothing out there. There’s nothing out there. 


David Wolfe: That’s crazy, crazy, right? And they don’t get the psychic piece because it’s too much.


It’s too, it’s too much of a leap. More and more. I would say people are getting it more and more, you know, the beings that are being born into the earth now, more and more of that, that mind, you know, and as we go back towards the light, you know, in the big cycles of time, I think we’re just at the end of the Kali Yuga as best as I can tell.


Just coming out of that into the light again, these things become normal again. And the human being realizes, Oh, I’m not a monkey. Okay. That was a bullshit. That was crazy. You know, I’m, I’m not a light being either. I’m both. I’m, I’m, I’m in between this world that I’m in, but I’m not an animal, but I’m not a God.


Ronnie Landis: Right. Right. Yes. 


David Wolfe: You’re in between, 


Ronnie Landis: but you can, you can exalt yourself, hopefully not your ego, but you can exalt yourself out of the constraints of. This this animal body while still being fully in your body right and through discipline. Yes Yes, 


David Wolfe: and and insight and inspiration and the you know, those competing forces that create character Right 


Ronnie Landis: that feels when you say that that feels so strong in my body Maybe it’s just the martial artist in me, but I think it’s more deeply this felt sense of This distress test or the collapsing of character, particularly in masculinity.


I mean, it goes both sides for sure, but this is a conversation in the zeitgeist right now that I find myself in because I’m a man and I care deeply about what’s going on, you know, in, in this moral relativistic scientism, uh, scientism, um, just transhumanist. Yeah, just this, this, just this whole overlay that’s taking over.


The, the, um, the destruction of moral character. 


David Wolfe: Yes, right. Really the destruction of the knight, right? And, and so that, it’s always been, you know, a fundamental archetype, um, for, for Western culture. 


Ronnie Landis: Yeah. 


David Wolfe: And, and, you know, fortunately, the Asian cultures brought it back for us with the martial arts. Right.


Like, these are legit, like, you know, Things you can do. I guess it was lost in Europe that all that, you know, the connection with the moral Development with the physical discipline, 


Ronnie Landis: right? You nailed it perfectly said 


David Wolfe: Anyway that you know that that to me is really one of the things that’s going to get us out of this and build it A healthy culture and that to me is also one of the things that’s really important to work on You know, when you when you’re around kids is you’re you’re helping to get them into that mindset, you know, I love being around kids and we just showed a kid here the other day.


He’s eight years old and he was away from his mom and he doesn’t have a dad or his dad’s not around. And so we’re, you know, he was here for a week. And we were able to, you know, just instill some like, not, your mom’s not here, so you’re with the guys now. You’re with the men. With the men, yeah. Yeah. So here’s how you light a lighter.


We’re going to show you, because he was fascinated with fire. And he was like, let’s show you how to light a lighter. You know, so you light your first lighter. 


Ronnie Landis: Yeah. 


David Wolfe: And he did it. 


Ronnie Landis: Yeah. And those little things, those are all, those are all seeds. Those are guiding, guiding lights. 


David Wolfe: That would be, that’s very important for his development.


I’m, I’m just finding, I’m really enjoying that more and more and more being around kids. Yeah. Um, it’s just, it’s just cool. It’s like, it’s like a, uh, to 


Ronnie Landis: be a, you’re 


David Wolfe: automatic mentor. You’re, yeah, you’re automatically a mentor for them and you can show them things that will help them. And, and you’re teaching them, you know, like, I feel a lot of times here on this farm that I’m like the, um, um, you know, master Po or whatever from, from, uh, kung fu, more and more.


I mean, I will be that when I’m like 70 or 80 on this farm and there’s kids who are like 20, right? Right. And they’re going to, it’s going to be more like that. You’ll be, you’ll 


Ronnie Landis: be that elder mentor. Yeah. Yeah. It’s just the natural role that you, you become, right. 


David Wolfe: It’s because that, of that archetype being imprinted on me as a kid, it was like there, that’s where you aspire to be when you’re, 70, 80, 90.


You’re, you’re, you’re at the ashram or the, what’s the dojo? The dojo. 


Ronnie Landis: Yeah. Yeah. There’s a, um, so this has been absolutely amazing. We’ve covered a lot of territory and this is completely organic emergent in the flow. There’s no script, no questions, just like you and I reconnecting and just recording the conversation.


There’s a few questions I want to ask to, to tie us, to tie this all up. Um, what drives you? And that question comes comes from when I when I last saw you, we were at your weekend event in Texas. It was you, it was Mickey Willis, it was Dale Bigtree, it was Judy Mikovic, um, many other people were there. But I remember seeing you, and I hadn’t seen you in years in terms of speaking, like the longevity conferences stopped and like the world went absolutely crazy and the theatrical production went mad and I just was like, this movie sucks, I’m done watching this after the fake inauguration.


And um, you know, so every, so the whole, that whole reality as far as like speaking events and workshops and all that kind of subsided. And so I hadn’t really seen you in action in a long time. And then so I’m, I’m seeing you and I’m thinking to myself, dang, like his fire is on. And it’s not just like your passion or your spirit, but dude, his brain, his memory recall, there’s something about him.


He’s like quicker, sharper, like, like, like everything is there. But you’ve been doing this for 30 years. 


David Wolfe: Yeah, 


Ronnie Landis: you’re not 35 or 40 or 45 anymore I haven’t seen you in a while, right? So I’m just seeing like it’s like it’s really inspiring because usually in any field of performance You don’t see your heroes or people that have been at the top of their game They don’t tend to stay in that that level of performance Something you lose a step, right?


But I was just like, wow, he’s full on, on fire. Doesn’t, isn’t missing a cue. Like this is impressive. 


David Wolfe: Whoa. Thanks, man. Wow. Yeah. Okay, cool. I appreciate that. I mean. You know, I had a lot built up from being like out of commission for, you know, a few years there where I wasn’t doing any live events. I did live events my whole life.


Ronnie Landis: Mm-Hmm. , 


David Wolfe: you know, and so it was like, just imagine being an athlete. Mm-Hmm. That is given a second chance at your sport. Wow. And, and you still have enough of your, of your old skills. You can be like, okay, let’s get back out there. Yeah. That’s what it felt like for me. That’s okay. That that’s it. And a big thing, what drives me is, is things that.


It’s not something that would drive somebody else, but what drives me, for example, I’m, I’m absolutely enamored, um, inspired by nature and by, um, natural technology, the way the plants move water around, the, um, miracle of growth. I’m just completely fascinated by those things. And, and I don’t need anybody around me or anything else.


And I’ve always been that way. I, even since I was a little, little kid, um, I mentioned recently and I hadn’t really ever even, this is so crazy, dude, recently, like the last couple of years, something came to my mind and I was like, I never told a single person that in my whole life. No one ever. And I was like, when I was a little kid, I used to renegade plant pine trees in my neighborhood.


And I was like five years old. And one day I realized I never actually told anybody that in my life. Wow. But it’s a big part of my life because it tells me that even back then I was fascinated by the miracle of growth. I was fascinated by plants. And it started with the pine tree. That is, I always have been in geared to pine trees for that reason.


And, and particularly my place in Canada, the pine trees around the house, that energy, the original pine trees that I grew up with, it were in the front of my house. I I that love that I had for them. And the, and the, uh, just the, you know, the magically shared when you’re a kid and climbing in trees and cutting trees and things like that has, has been handed off to these other trees.


Mm. And it’s really cool. They’ve become like a, a formidable barrier in the front of the house, and then we, now we’ve got a gate there in between them. It’s really neat. 


Ronnie Landis: Wow. 


David Wolfe: Yeah. 


Ronnie Landis: Just, just expanding on that for a moment, like, what drove you when you’re younger? Is it, is it pretty much the same? 


David Wolfe: It’s the same.


It’s the same. You know, when I look back on my life, it’s the same. Like, what it is, it’s a progressive realization of what I really am into. What am I really into? Like, I am really into, um, the magic of plants. I’m really into growing tobacco. I’m really into it. I really dig it. I’m really into growing cacao trees.


I’m really into vanilla. Hardcore into it. All of them, right? I’m really into growing rillenias. 


Ronnie Landis: And you’re really into telling people all about it. 


David Wolfe: Yeah, because it’s, it’s an absolute joy to, to not only know the magic of it, but to share it too and get other people into the magic of it. And, and, you know, that has been a big part of, uh, I think my more recent kind of TikTok success.


Ronnie Landis: Oh, interesting. 


David Wolfe: Yeah. I didn’t even know about that. Is, you know, I just show people, it’s just all lifestyle, 100%. Okay. 


Ronnie Landis: Yeah. 


David Wolfe: Every now and then I’ll do a thing on like parasites and charcoal or you know, join us on the cleanse or whatever But basically it’s like you want to see avocados? Look at these avocados.


By the way, did you see those avocados? I did. 


Ronnie Landis: I did. Yeah, they’re incredible. Those 


David Wolfe: are incredible. Beasts. Like, that tree, that avocado tree It’s right there. I chopped it down twice. I tried to stop it from just shooting up You know, it’s like, you know, go wide, something, you know, it just went right around the cut and just, you know And now it’s integrated both those cuts into itself.


And you don’t even know that thing was cut down twice. It’s relentless, relentless. That tree is relentless. Look at the size of the fruits on that thing. Look at that. And that’s, you know, that, that just like the miracle of like, dude, look at that avocado tree, there’s probably as many leaves as there are fruits on it.


Look at it. 


Ronnie Landis: It’s so wild. Yeah. Well, that makes sense. Like, based on what you’ve told me, what I know about you, like, you have a kindred, a kindred connection to these plants. Yeah. Like, you actually, you don’t look at them as like, oh, they’re just plants, or they’re just food. There’s, there’s some sort of bond that you have, like, you understand them.


There’s a character. There’s a personality. There’s a life force. 


David Wolfe: that, that’s how I feel about avocados. I felt about that. So it is David Avocado wolf. It’s not a joke. . Um, I really am deeply connected to the avocado tree. It’s, it’s my whole life. It, you know, that it’s not a joke. It’s that David avocado wolf is a big deal for me because it, it really summarizes my deep love for these, these trees, you know, and the varieties that are out there.


There’s, you know, over 600 that I’m familiar with, but there’s a couple thousand, I’m sure, in the world, you know, in terms of what different types of avocados you could grow. 


Ronnie Landis: I know that you have to transition back. You’re leaving tomorrow. There’s a lot going on today. Last question. You’ve seen everything and everything when it comes to, you know, traveling around the world, your public speaking events.


Supporting people in all dimensions of their life, I’m sure, but specifically with their health. What do you feel, if you had to synthesize it from your experience, what you’ve seen and maybe even your own life, like what are the number, what’s the number one thing or maybe few things that people are struggling with?


And what, what have you seen to be like the solution or antidote or the appropriate response? 


David Wolfe: I mean, we’re in a toxic world. Okay. I would say that. So the appropriate, you know, like, I want to be clean. I want to be clean on the inside. I want to be clean on the outside. I want to be cleaned out. Um, I don’t want weird odors coming off my body in any way, shape, or form.


You know, so that’s where the charcoal comes in. Mm. 


Ronnie Landis: Mm hmm. 


David Wolfe: Right? The charcoal is, is a, um, it’s a statement about cleanliness. It’s a statement about we’re going to do the anti toxic thing. It’s a, it’s a statement about cleanliness. Where the future has taken us. 


Ronnie Landis: And what i’m telling you I will say 


David Wolfe: this i’ll end up with this I can tell you for sure that we’re going to end up with a massive fertility problem Massive toxicity problem in north america, and it will be it will be um dire at some point in the future massive 


Ronnie Landis: erectile dysfunction issue I mean all of it all of it all of 


David Wolfe: it.


Yeah, and yeah, just fertility erectile dysfunction. Um, Gender dysphoria gender problems just because of the toxins in the environment and what that does to mammals Um, spiritual issues as a result of that. Turns the frogs gay. I mean. Actrazine. Yeah. And just the way they tried to shut that guy down, the guy who discovered all that stuff, and it just, that just shows you right there.


It’s like, it’s all an agenda. And so what we need to do is we actually need to turn the other way completely and we go totally into the detox and cleansing. And that’s why charcoal is the foundation of that. It’s not just a thing like, hey, I’ll do some charcoal once in a while. It’s foundational. It is.


Yeah. To build the new world where carbon based life form 


Ronnie Landis: Interesting. Wow. 


David Wolfe: Yeah. We have to go all the way back to the carbon and build up from there. And, and this will be a thing. What’s been happening to North America, or the toxicity of North America over the last 100 years or 100, 200 years, it will go on for thousands of years.


Meaning it will affect thousands of years into the future. And, uh, it will be an issue. So therefore this message, this message, The charcoal message, take 400 milligrams of charcoal every morning until you get to 800, then take 100, 1, 200, then take 2, 400, you know, something like that. That’s what I do. I take about 2, 400 milligrams of charcoal every day.


Ronnie Landis: Oh, wow. On an empty stomach or throughout 


David Wolfe: the day? Typically on an empty stomach in the morning. Okay. Um, I like to, if I take it twice a day, it’s better. Okay. Yeah. You know, it’s really, the dose I should be taking, uh oh, dude. Um, The dose I should be taking is probably 5, 000 milligrams a day, but then I’m a hardcore, you know, my body can take it.


Not, it’s very, it’s very drying, 


Ronnie Landis: right? 


David Wolfe: It’s very hot and drying. 


Ronnie Landis: Okay. Activated charcoal detoxification, cleansing. We know that cleanliness is next to godliness. We, we talked about God and source and, and, you know, spirituality and, and I really like, I feel like just the imperative of tying these things together and, and this fragmentation or this, this compartmentalization of what is the intrinsic human experience like total human optimization, total human liberation and exaltation, body, mind, spirit, or mind, body, spirit.


David Wolfe: I think it has a lot to do with fully getting into and fully diving in with things that really activate you as a human being that really are part of your destiny, you know, and activating all the magic that you have as a human being. Okay, big part of it’s that. 


Ronnie Landis: Yeah. Your mission. 


David Wolfe: Yeah. Your mission. Your Dharma.


Yeah. Your Dharma. Yeah. Cause I’m looking out here. I mean, we’re so fortunate to be here. I’m looking out there. I’m just going, Oh, I can’t wait to get, get into there and get that cleaned up. And I can’t wait for that. I’m going to get in there and do this and you chop that back. And that, you know what I mean?


It’s constant. And it’s just, it’s a way of life and it’s because it’s part of who I am. It’s part of my Dharma and it’s part of what makes me happy. 


Ronnie Landis: Bingo. Yeah. Bingo. David, It’s always an honor and pleasure, a joy and a privilege. Grateful for reuniting with you, especially as you’re about to head out. So yeah, just super grateful for you.


Thank you. Yeah, thank 


David Wolfe: you. That was great. Great for you to have, have you back here and uh, let’s go hit the yard. Yeah, let’s do it.

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