the art & Science of
The Integration of Body - Mind - Spirit

Holistic health & life mastery coaching
In order to master the various dimensions of life, one must develop mastery in their physical & mental capabilities.
Health is the foundation from which all aspects of our lives spring forth from and sustaining basic principles of self mastery is how longevity is manifested.

The most advanced, surgically precise, integrative approach to ‘medical grade’ body work that addresses the holistic system of the body and directly flushes out the chemical imprints of stress, trauma, and recorded memory of life experiences that accumulate in the bodily tissues and nervous system.

The spectrum of wisdom and knowledge over almost two decades of deep study is compiled in multiple courses ranging from holistic health, tonic herbalism, mental health & cognitive performance, addiction & trauma recovery, & human optimization.

Ronnie has hosted a popular podcast since 2015, where he’s interviewed worlds leading experts, luminaires, change agents, and thought leaders on every topic ranging from holistic health, human optimization, self development, spiritual growth, & human potential, as well as sharing his own unique wisdom only found on the podcast.
welcome leaders, luminaires, &
It’s my mission to help awaken within the hearts & minds of those I serve, that spark of genius and the source from where our greatest power is found– our innate ability to SELF-HEAL, EVOLVE, & TRANSFORM.
This can only be discovered and fully embodied through the integration of the mind, the body, and the spirit.

When it comes to health, Ronnie has a keen sense of where we have been and where we are going.
david wolfe
Celebrity Spokesperson, Health, Eco, Beauty Expert

Ronnie Landis has a passion for health and nutrition that is absolutely contagious.
Shawn Stevenson
Best Selling Author of Sleep Smarter, The Fat Code, and Host of the Model Health Show Podcast

Ronnie’s body of work that connects the dots between neuroscience, psychology, emotional intelligence, health optimization, addiction and trauma recovery, and practical spirituality.
Ben Greenfield
Bio-hacking Pioneer, Health & Fitness Icon, & Thought Leader in Human Optimization

Ronnie Landis’s approach to holistic health & human potential is tailor made for the evolutionary-minded individual who seeks to live the limitless physical, mental, and spiritual potential that is the human birthright.
Michael Bernard Beckwith
Founder of Agape Spiritual Center, Global Spiritual Teacher, & Human Rights Activist

I appreciate Ronnie’s wealth of knowledge and experience that he brings into this to see beyond surface level illusions and to dive deep into how to acknowledge what is really happening. He brings the pathway to change the game with it, if you choose.
Marci Lock

Ronnie is a leader not only with a brilliant vision for humanity but with the determination, commitment, and audacity to bring that vision into reality.
Katerina Satori
Entrepreneur, Business Coach, Spiritual Teacher

His focus on self-growth, peak performance, individualism, and mind-body connection will catapult you in the direction of your dreams – with your body, with your health, with your life.
Ashae Sundara
Women's Liberation Mentor, Multi-Millionaire Entrepreneur & Leadership Coach

Ronnie Landis is wise beyond his years. When he speaks, those who can hear would be wise to listen. He is a polymath who has the ability to discuss in-depth many different aspects of the human experience & how to navigate our reality.
Mike Bledsoe
Leadership Coach, Fitness Industry Icon, Entrepreneur, Podcast Host

Ronnie is a rare one, a unique synthesis of linear biological knowledge on health, spiritual and esoteric wisdom on the growth and personal transformation process. Give yourself the gift of listening to what he has to share.
Dr. Matt Kreinheder
Healer, Coach, Entrepreneur, Author, Teacher

I can tell you that Ronnie Landis is the real deal. He has the knowledge, intelligence and compassion to take you to the next level.
Dr. Tim Jackson
Health Expert, Public Educator

Ronnie's ability to sense the optimal mechanics of the human body, mind and spirit is both comprehensive and highly articulated to target exactly what will leverage your personal peak performance to a level you never even knew was possible.
Evolutionary Life Coach

The books
The True Path to Inner Peace and Self-Mastery
“This book is not really another book about addiction. It isn’t even a book about how to break addiction. It goes much further than this. Ronnie grounds his reader in a simple, controversial but undeniable truth – that we all are addicts in one form or another.”

The books
Holistic Health Mastery Program
A Guide to Health Lifestyle TRANSFORMATION
The Holistic Health Mastery Program is the ultimate foundation and guide to raw living foods & superfood nutrition, upgraded detoxification protocols, accelerated healing, and creating a lifestyle that serves both yourself and the planet around you. There is a library of amazing recipes from juices, smoothies, raw food dishes, and highly functional recipes for specific conditions and performance goals.
Endorsed by David Wolfe & Wade T. Lightheart.

The books
The Inner Alchemy Youthening Program
A Guide for Everlasting Vitality, Energy & Beauty
Your life as it stands is the culmination of the thoughts, foods, actions, and behaviors you have participated in up to this point. Vibrant health, ageless beauty, and endless enthusiasm is your birthright. This book will show you how to activate your potential for healing, inspired living, and manifesting heaven on earth.
Endorsed by Michael Beckwith & Dr. Gabriel Cousens
My passion is to guide you towards a life filled with vibrancy, enduring enthusiasm, and embodied wisdom.
I’m here to help you tap into your abundant vitality, boundless creative energy, and intrinsic genius to achieve true fulfillment. This is how I contribute to my personal vision for the world; one where every individual flourishes in their unique mission.
We all need support along our journey, and my gift and mission is to help you achieve a harmony of physical well-being, mental clarity, emotional balance, and spiritual sobriety.
I’ve combined 20+ years of training in holistic health, nutrition, herbalism, sports performance and rehab, advanced somatic therapy, and peak performance strategy to guide you on your path to greatness.
To truly contribute to the healing of this planet, we must first nurture ourselves. As we achieve wholeness, we are naturally empowered to help others. Health is the ultimate wealth, and it is our collective destiny to embody and share this wealth with the world.

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