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Ronnie Landis as a podcast guest
Ronnie Landis has been featured on many popular and entertaining podcasts discussing a wide range of fascinating topics
Covering the full spectrum of whole human optimization, health & nutrition, personal & spiritual development, addiction recovery & trauma healing, life mastery & leadership principles, quantum mechanics & metaphysics, and so so much more. Podcasts are a powerful medium for highly thought provoking & intimate conversations to take place that transcends traditional forms of media.
Book Ronnie for Podcast Interview
Each podcast Ronnie has been featured in is always unique and different from all others and can serve as a deeper exploration into his full body of work, which will surely inspire, motivate, and activate the listener to take greater leaps and bounds in their whole human optimization journey.
most common questions
The Total Body Realignment Method is designed to be done in two seperate sessions one day into the next. It takes roughly 4.5-5 hours to make our way through the entire body. Each connective compartment of the body is fully addressed with specific techniques, sequences, and release points designed to unlock the full range of motion & energetic potential of the body. The first session will focus on the upper body, starting from the head/face/neck and making our way down to the shoulders, chest, and abdominal cavity. The 2nd session will brush through the upper body and begin with a full decompression of the hip cavity, legs, feet, full back decompression, and finishing with the back of the legs. Although everyone goes through the same systematic approach, the uniqueness of each client is taken into account, and adjustments in the process are tailored to one’s needs.
Yes. Due to the nature of this work and the precise sequences that address the neural-tissue of the muscular system, which holds the ‘energetic memory imprints’ of “trauma”, this is one of the most powerful therapeutic processes for liberated stored “energy” from the body. The word “trauma” is merely referring to the accumulation of stored energy the body is holding onto as a self-protection mechanism that results in heaviness, tension, discomfort, & a feeling of disconnection. This work seeks to reconnect all parts of the body back together through releasing the ‘stored energy imprints’ and allowing the organic process of body-mind-spirit ‘remembrance’ to occur.
This is dependent upon a case by case basis but generally someone will see significant results within the 1st & 2nd session (Total Body Realignment Process). Moving on from there, the most significant and long lasting results occur when someone goes through the TBRP two or three times (4-6 sessions) over the course of 4-6 weeks. There are multiple factors that determine the long term results one may experience and most people will experience significant breakthroughs in only a few sessions. If someone has long standing imbalances due to former injuries, surgeries, or long held trauma, it is advised to consider going through the Total Body Realignment Process at least twice for optimal results in addition to implementing proper integration practices to ensure long term success.
This will always be a case by case scenario but ultimately the long term results of this work will be dependent on how the individual integrates their experience following the work. There is an undeniable restructuring of the overall physical body that allows for more freedom of motion, movement, and spaciousness in the body. If someone takes this work as an opportunity to explore new exercise, movement, and rehabilitation practices, as well as prioritizing healthy lifestyle habits such as nutrition, cleansing, stress reduction, and rest/recovery, they will receive the long term benefits of this work. If someone does not make any further changes, they can still experience incredible benefits, but it will be limited to the long term results they can gain.
Yes. Each client who goes through the Full Total Body Realignment Process (2 Full Body Sessions) will receive a detailed PDF which serves as an integration road map for proper maintenance and best practices following the treatment. Each persons needs are unique to the client/patience and will be advised specifically by Ronnie during or after the sessions. Further holistic health & body optimization coaching support with Ronnie is available for select clients upon request or invitation by Ronnie personally.
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